Sustainable Organic Agriculture and Food Security is at the heart of GWEFODE’s community development work, which focuses on increasing food security and strengthening agricultural livelihoods by training small holder farmers in organic agriculture through experiential learning, practical work, on-farm experimentation, and demonstrations. While women play an important role in agriculture and natural resource management in Uganda, they have greater financial and resource constraints, and lower levels of access to information and services than men. Because of these gender inequalities, women face unique challenges when it comes to adapting to climate change. Rural women’s workload, like biomass and water collection, is affected by natural disasters. A changing climate and scarce natural resources has consequences on family nutrition, child care and education. Cultural norms related to gender roles also limit the ability of women to respond to and make quick decisions in the face of climatic events.
Strengthen empowerment, resilience and adaptive capacity of women smallholder farmers to climate change using gender-transformative approaches, including: training, mentorship and peer learning to promote the use of appropriate and sustainable climate-smart agronomic practices; participatory community engagements targeting women, men, young people, and local, religious leaders; and the engagement of policy actors and practitioners in promoting gender-responsive policies.
Strengthen food systems by supporting smallholder farmers especially women to produce sufficient, healthy and nutritious food. We also invest in inclusive value chains and economic growth, by supporting small and medium enterprises to grow and create employment opportunities.
Soil Fertility and Water Conservation
Support women and men small holder farmers boost productivity through higher soil fertility and water retention. Farmers are educated on the creation and use of organic manures, such as compost, manures, and the use of cover crops. They are also educated in various tactics for soil and water conservation. These include the use of physical structures or barriers, such as stability contours, cut-off drains, and water retention ditches.
Increase the technical and business capacities of smallholder farmers to produce sufficient and nutritious food for household consumption, while also earning an income from farming. We support low-income farmers and their organisations in accessing finance and markets, and, thus, increasing their income. And we pressure governments to implement policies that are favourable to farmers and producer organisations.
Support entrepreneurs in fragile settings, provide access to economic opportunities for marginalised communities and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2 (zero hunger) and 8 (decent work and economic growth).
Undertakes Research on best agricultural practices that are sustainable and environmentally friendly and sharing these with farmers in Uganda
Equips disadvantaged women and youth from indigenous and peasant communities with innovative skills and knowledge to practice integrated sustainable Organic agriculture and proper land use practices that result in increased food availability, access and utilization at Household level, environment conservation and improved livelihoods to enhance capabilities for employment and income generation.
Support Women and youth to acquire hybrid animals and farm inputs, seeds/seedlings to practice organic farming, kitchen gardening, processing of agricultural produce to add value and increase on household incomes
Trains small holder farmers in profitable and sustainable agro-forestry activities, with a special focus on those affected by natural disasters