Promote and advocate for Good governance and Human Rights (Economic, Social, Cultural, Civil and Political Rights).
Promote Gender equality and Women’s Empowerment through strengthening leadership and capacity to influence positive change at national, local and grassroots levels.
Advocate for conditions that sustain women’s peace and security for good governance through mediation and Dialogue.
Promote Environmental Conservation and Livelihoods through Sustainable Organic Agriculture, Climate Change and Biodiversity Management, Water Governance for Nature, Life and Livelihoods
Build skills of rural and urban poor, youth and women in sustainable natural resources management, agriculture, nutrition and environmental sanitation to overcome poverty and achieve sustainable livelihoods;
Enhance organizational development for a democratic, vibrant, learning and facilitating GWEFODE with a predictable resource base
Mobilize and manage resources effectively and efficiently to respond to the needs of the target group in a sustainable way