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  • Promote and advocate for Good governance and Human Rights (Economic, Social, Cultural, Civil and Political Rights).

  • Promote Gender equality and Women’s Empowerment through strengthening leadership and capacity to influence positive change at national, local and grassroots levels.
  • Advocate for conditions that sustain women’s peace and security for good governance through mediation and Dialogue.
  • Promote Environmental Conservation and Livelihoods through Sustainable Organic Agriculture, Climate Change and Biodiversity Management, Water Governance for Nature, Life and Livelihoods
  • Build skills of rural and urban poor, youth and women in sustainable natural resources management, agriculture, nutrition and environmental sanitation to overcome poverty and achieve sustainable livelihoods;
  • Enhance organizational development for a democratic, vibrant, learning and facilitating GWEFODE with a predictable resource base
  • Mobilize and manage resources effectively and efficiently to respond to the needs of the target group in a sustainable way