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Gender Equality and Women Empowerment for Development (GWEFODE) is a community based, charitable and not for profit non-governmental Organization registered with the government of Uganda. The Organization was founded in 2007 by a group of young women to promote gender equality and empower women and girls to become active participants in the development of their communities and promote social change.

The formation was also a result of increasing Sexual and Gender Based violence, ethnic conflicts, gender inequalities, discrimination and violation of the rights marginalized groups such as Women, Youth, Children, People Living with HIV/AIDS especially widows and orphans, People Living with Disabilities, Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

The founders came with an idea to enhance sustainable livelihoods among the local underprivileged community groups by working with communities to contribute to a transformation in their status and wellbeing so that they can realize their rights and full potential, and become equal and respected members of families, communities and society.

Our programs such as Human Rights and leadership development, Livelihoods and Natural Resource Governance aim at addressing gender inequalities and poverty by working with both women and girls, men and boys at all levels. 


  • Professionalism

  • Women Centered
  • Integrity
  • Commitment
  • Respect
  • Stewardship
  • Impartiality
  • Teamwork and collective good
  • Empathy
  • Transparency and Accountability