GWEFODE Celebrates International Women’s Day with Women Groups
Every 8th of March the world marks International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to collective action and shared ownership for driving gender parity. This day offers an opportunity for each of us to reflect on the progress made in the women’s movement, so as to orchestrate change where need be, and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women playing an extraordinary role in their countries and communities.
GWEFODE is pleased to share with you the joy of celebrating the International Women’s day (IWD) with women groups benefiting from GWEFODE programs. The year (2024) saw GWEFODE as a Women’s organization actively participate in International Women’s day to celebrate the tremendous efforts by women around the world in shaping a more equal future through economic empowerment with a theme; Count her In: Accelerating Gender Equality through Economic Empowerment.
As part of celebrating IWD, GWEFODE produced Information, Education and Communication materials such as Banners and T-shirts. Some of the Members of GWEFODE Women Groups participated in Dialogues and Radio Talk shows organized on the eve of the women’s day while others participated by matching during the event. Radio adverts on women’s rights and social economic empowerment were also produced. GWEFODE provided all the logistical support for Women groups to participate in the event such as transport, meals and